New Hampshire Photographer - fun in the studio

April 01, 2014

As you look at these photos you might wonder how this all got started.  I would if I was you.  The studio I rent has props from various stage and local television productions scattered about it.  One set of props is an entire bathroom from a stage production of The Smallest Room In the House that was done the summer of 2013 at The Players’ Ring Theater.  I have been staring at this set every time I do a shoot trying to come up with a way to use it.  I had tons of ideas that were too elaborate to ever act on.  It wasn’t until a friend suggested I do a series of photos of bearded men with cats (I had no idea how many of them there were in New Hampshire!) that a decent idea really started to gel.  My husband, the supportive guy that he is, was the likely candidate for this shoot.


This is how it came to be that we packed up two of our beloved pets and carted them over to PPMtv studios.  We have four in total, but our feral cat, Mila, would never get into a crate without sending one of us to the hospital and our geriatric bunny, Ripley, almost 12 and blind, would be too terrified of the process. Looking at the photos you will see a distinct difference in personality.  Disco Stu, our cat, loves the tub.  He even gets in it when there is water left.  Sundance, on the other hand, is not thrilled with the prospect of a bath - even a fake one.  He is the most expressive dog I have ever seen.  I love them all.  These creatures - human and beast, that humor my vision and make me collapse in laughter.


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